Thursday, July 12, 2007


I was sitting in front of the tele last night, watching the nightly news over on channel 5 with my bro. Happily munching on Calbee potato crisps and downing a jug of raspberry 7up, I jumped out of my seat when I saw Hamster on the news.

All bloodied up and hurt.

Poor Hamster met with a road traffic accident. Shoots middle finger to the driver involved that escaped without a scratch. It looked kind of serious to me. Her arm was immobilized in a sling, and blood all over her face. She looked so sad.

And the worst thing was that she was all alone.

I tried to contact her, but her handphone had lousy reception. I promptly went around to sms my classmates to notify them. Yeah lor... i'm so kaypoh wan.

I simply could not bear the thought of letting a friend go through such agony alone. Thankfully, Hamster’s a people person. So there was no lack of concern from the others.

Prof Phua did good by calling to enquire about the hospital and ward that Hamster was in. He’s actually quite nice as a friend, and does have his uses; most importantly, he has never backstabbed me. So I don’t give a rat’s ass when other people make fun of me being his friend.

Armed with info, Chicken, Zul, Prof and I popped by during our break to visit her. It was a good thing that she was warded into our hospital. It made it so much easier to see her.

Hamster was so touched. Well, at least I hope. I saw her eyes well up with tears, tears that were conjured up by joy, no sadness. And it must have felt good to know you’re not alone in those cold hospital walls.

We went by again to see her after work. This time, more classmates came over. Fad and her friend, Lydia, Asyik “Kueh Daging”, Sheran, and super touchy Siamese twins, BGR combo – Jun & what’s-his-name Stalker/Shadow. We had a great time catching up, and chatting with Hamster’s family and friends that came along. Hamster’s grandma’s so cheerful, always smiling. Now I know where Hamster gets her positive vibes!

We ravaged the tidbits that well-wishers brought and scribbled our greetings in Hamster’s notepad (like a guest book). And yes, all present were treated with the mandatory touchy-feely free show from the Siamese twins. Again.

This incident just proves the fragility of life. Besides the sad truth that eyes can sting from RA antics. Wahahhaha…

We never expect accidents to happen, but in all truth, they do and can happen. To anyone. At anytime. And the only control we have over our lives is how to live each minute, each second, to its fullest.

Cause, seriously, if you don’t, there may not be an opportunity for regret.