Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Table Scraps

Here's a little something I made for Stick Insect about our trip some time ago. Thought it would be nice to post the pictures in the blog in case I forgot how it looked like. Heehee..

The staggered layout includes pictures of the places and food we experienced in Hong Kong and Macau. I used a girlish aged pink base and accented the plain background with the red die-cut flower at the side together with some polka dot paper.

I made this little corner logo using different papers and inked in the 'stitching' around the edges of the round flower design.

I repeated a similar bird pattern on the envelope that came with the card and added some rub-ons and a bow. It's a little suprise for Stick Insect to find in the layout. Heehee..

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Here's wishing all Muslims a Selamat Hari Raya!

Ramlah recommends thislady over in Plaza Angsana, Johor.

Whereas I can't resist gobbling down the freshly baked crispy baulu over on the 1st floor. And they make the most buttery pineapple tarts too! I swear that shop is resposible for my blardy ballooning weight! I don't know what's the name of the shop so I'll try to snap pics of the booth the next time.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I finished my BCLS recertification the other day and I'm glad I can buy another 2 years before sitting for both the LSCN and BCLS modules. Hah!

can you see my red wrists?!

The class went rather smoothly although Kym schedules the worst of shifts. I had the recert session in the afternoon from 1-5pm and then had to take the stinky train back to work til 9.30pm while others could merrily head home. Sobs!
Heng heng, I managed to finish at 4pm. Hohoho.

Today, my ward manager officially announced that all applicants for entry into October’s advanced diploma intake were successful. Thus, we’d be collectively bidding our fond farewells soon.

Akin to fine chocolate, this farewell is bittersweet.

There’s been quite a load of drama brewing in the ward lately, with falls and backstabbing specifically leading the top charts. I’m just mindful of the salary slash since ward and miscellaneous allowances would be absent. Hopefully, since I’ve never done much night duty, I'm guessing it will not affect finances that drastically.

The orientation is scheduled on 9th Oct, which coincides with our Dinner and Dance. It’s our last gathering together as a ward, considering all the people that have left or are heading in different directions.

I pray new paths lead to greener pastures.

Given my newly acquired step into another decade, returning to the likes of school sure feels weird. I’m a little apprehensive, yet strangely expectant of this new page in my life. I've always been fond of studying.

I know, it's sick.

It's just that returning to a school filled with much younger people is kind of paiseh. Maybe I should start wearing overalls, tie huge ribbons in my hair and suck lollipops hopping about campus?! Hahaha..

I'd probably end up in IMH.

Though, knowing Stick Insect will be with me through another chapter etches a smile on my face. She even gave me some stationery for the new school term. So sweeeet hor?! Together with all the stationery we'd bought in HK, we're almost ready for school.

I'll let you peek at the delightful Jetoy pencil case she got me.

the cat details are everywhere!
We HEART Jetoy ++++

We can’t predict where we’d be posted to after our graduation but we’ve got a heck of a school term to raise havoc =)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Another person has left my ward. This time, it’s a very capable Naz. Recently promoted to a supervisory level, she’s posted to the Infectious Disease Unit in the main building where she’ll join some of our old colleagues that have departed earlier.

Once again, we’re left with a void.

We're banging our heads on the wall and protesting for them to take Kym instead. Take her!!!

Work wise, Kym is fuming mad with the spike in the number of falls. And as usual, she’s doing a heck-of-a-job airing her displeasure. Sometimes, I really have to bite my tongue to stop myself from repeating a shouting match we exchanged earlier.


Thus far, I’ve not received any news regarding my application for the advanced diploma due in Oct. The company has asked me to apply for the utilization of HMDP funds for the course sponsorship, which adds up to an extension of another 2 year bond period.

Truthfully, I just need a break from work so I hope to use the time off to reignite the dwindling passion towards my craft, spend some quality weekends with family and hang out with Stick Insect.

Also, since an advanced diploma is absolutely necessary in the eyes of my employer, I just want to get it over and done with while the neurons are capable of some electrical activity.

Sharon Lee is not too keen on my extending my bond though. She laments better prospects are aplenty in the private sector. She even wants to loan me money to pay off my current bond. Join me in the US. However, the thought of servicing a huge ass loan and skirting the rim of bankruptcy should opportunities lack is something I dare not jump into.

Like many others, I can tell you for sure that a higher paycheck is always enticing. I’ll never get rich here. Branded with the toxic combination of multi strata bureaucratic red tape ever prevalent in a large company, hormonally imbalanced colleagues and egocentric patients, it can be extremely difficult to draw joy from the banalities of work.

But when I reflect and ask myself, can I leave my patients behind? My hands are tied.

I hope life sorts itself out and sets me free.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Largely due to Gremlin's insistance, we went to watch Jump! at the Esplanade on saturday. It was funny how the 3 of us wore matching striped tops! Hahaha!

One word sums up the entire 90 min spectacular.


We managed to snag unblocked views of the stage because we booked early. However, like most of our outings, we bumped into a weirdo seated a couple of seats away. Before the show started, he fixed his gaze solely on Stick Insect. She's such a weirdo magnet! Luckily for her, a couple came and blocked his unobstructed access.

After what seemed like an eternity of awkward eyeballing; the lights dimmed, marking the start of the show. The performers spun gracefully through the air and infused a good dose of humor in the storyline, making the crowd chortle and guffaw at their silly antics.

Gremlin loved the entire performance, laughing merrily away as the performers catapulted through the air in gravity defying acrobatic marvels.

The audience participation bit was equally enjoyable as they pulled guests up to mingle with the cast. I loved that the show has little dialogue, breaking the language barrier between people.

Anyone, from the young to the old, can and truly will enjoy the experience of being able to laugh wholeheartedly. Truly, it is worth every cent we paid.

I so wana go KOREA!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Reader Discretion Is Advised

Warning - The following entry contains my personal views of religion. It is in no way meant to coerce of offend public opinion.
Please read the entry only if you are able to remain open minded in the realm of differing religions.
Fast Forward

Once every year, Muslims worldwide will fast from dawn to sunset for a period of a month. This period called Ramadan, falls on the 9th month of the Islamic calendar and is revered because it is believed that this was the time the first few verses of the Quran was revealed to an illiterate Mohammad.

You can read many facts and information on the origins and the likes on the web. Many people will share that the act of fasting is to experience hunger to appreciate how the poor and starving feel. Sure, this is valid enough. However, Ross explains Ramadan from a slightly different angle.

To him, this simple act of fasting stems from a deeper level derived from obedience.

How so? You ask.

Look at it this way. It is natural for anybody to want eat when hunger pangs set in. To have someone tell you to reject this basic physiological need goes against the natural order of things.

For Ramadan to work, you need to first believe that there is a higher, greater order in this world before you can throw reason away and heed the command to fast.

To be able to control this physiological urge to eat when the stomach contorts with hunger is quite a feat. And let me share with you, going without food or drink for a good chunk of a day when the rest of the world is happily munching away requires immense willpower.
There is an indescribable sense of accomplishment that accompanies the completion of a day of fasting. And if you can pull that feat off, the will to resist temption can be brought across to other aspects in your life.

Perhaps it is easy enough to fast for a day, but multiply that by an entire month and you get the picture. If you don’t have enough faith in your religion, it’s easy to fall through the cracks and give in to temptation.

Like doing the 5 mandatory daily prayers in a set regime and timing, fasting, the call to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, making a donation etc, all requires an immense discipline to follow the rules stated by God. And the beauty in obedience blossoms a strong faith.

A faith in that there is a God.
A faith that you can obey.
A faith to resist temptation.

However, I don’t believe anyone should be punished for disobedience simply because religion cannot be forced upon anyone. To comply with something just because you are obliged to, serves no purpose other then marketing oneself as a devotee.

What use is there in acting when the act is involuntary?

To flout commands when you know its consequences should be between God and you. And not man versus man.

Hats off to all those making the effort to strengthen their faith. It is a blessing to be able know that there is a God.