Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I failed my assessment yesterday. I thought i would cry (knowing my drama self) but i didn't. Normalcy prevails. In fact, after the bitter taste of failure, i found enough energy to go Bishan to window shop with Zul and Fara, then head onto another round of debates.

Life goes on.

The world continues it's orbit around the sun.

Nothing is knocked out of place.

I'll just have to work harder.

Lionel writes in his blog that "the tables have changed" and how many of the so-called smart ones have come to face failure. He predicts that success is upon him. Maybe he peered into a magic crystal ball. With all the knowledge and the chance to experience life, he has blatantly failed to exercise restraint on gloating over others' misfortunes.

However, i am not angry. Disappointed that he chose this subject to poke at, but not angry. Frankly, it's not really worth the bother. At the very least, my nipples are well hidden. Unlike his. Now that's NEWS.

More importantly for now, i need to pass my re-test.