Sunday, August 27, 2006

I just got wind that another instructor will be taking over our debate meeting tomorrow - (Fara-magnet) Jose.

Our Joey, apparently has other agendas.

I'm a little apprehensive of the change. For one thing, i am a creature of habit. Or at least, i like to think that there is security in familarity. The truth is, i'm afraid.

Joey has already seen me (i suppose) at my dense-est. I will be forced to slit my wrists should there be another person that makes me feel as stupid.

Not that Joey does that on purpose. I don't think that even crosses his mind. That politically correct ang moh potato. Well, it's hard to not to feel dumb when i constantly have to ask him to explain the words that i don't understand.

My skin has grown thick enough with Joey, whereas with Jose, well, his bald head and large eyes are well.... very distracting.