The abovementioned is a direct result of what becomes of an irrate Cheryl.
(read : bangs head on keyboard)
I really, really, REALLY had my sights set on catching Spider Lilies.
Reading all the positive reviews and watching the trailers online, just spurred the interest within.
Just why do I want to watch it so badly?
1. It’s about a topic rarely discussed in (supposedly clean-as-a-whistle) Singapore.
The last film about homosexuality that they actually allowed in the cinema was Philadelphia and Boys Don't Cry (well, that's if i remember correctly anyway). And those were so censored, they might as well have been trailers.
2. In all truth, I’m kaypoh.
I want to join in and see what all the brouhaha is regarding the movie. I too, want to partake in the exchange of views, putting in my 2 cents worth of comments online and perhaps for once, be part of the 'in' or trendy topic. Ok, i'm lying.
I want to see if the 2 girls really kiss. I want to know why the taiwanese have suddenly produced a spat of homo movies. I want to understand the story behind the tattoo.
So yeah, it would be right to categorize me under "most -likely-to-be-found-near-swindlers/free shows'. Yes, i will poke head shamelessly to watch free street fights, even if it means booking a seat in the heat of the action. I will be loitering around the person distributing freebies on the walkways. And of course, i will looking on in disbelief at the soothsayers' makeshift stalls, clicking my tongue (like a lizard) at what they're saying, but still listening to every word.
However, I swear by the graves of all the people I love; I did not (and will not) at any time in my short (or lengthy) existence on earth, participate in the hello kitty craze.
But you know what?!
Let me tell you!!!!
I’m soooo angry! Bitterly disappointed and head bangingly ANGRY!
That because all the cinemas that are showcasing this film is playing it in the blardy, freaking wee hours of the morning. At best, show times start at 11++pm.
Might as well don’t show lor.
I don’t live near orchard. Or any where near the orchard stretch - my father is not LKY ok?
I have no car - my mother is not part of the Tan Cheong Empire.
Ross will most definitely not watch this show with me. He’s, well, let’s just put it this way: he’s not very receptive to broadcasting alternative lifestyles.
My pockets will hate me for taking a cab back home - I've tried to water and tend to them lovingly, but still nothing grows within.
My brother will nag at me for coming home late. My sensory organs are all in perfect working order, no matter how facially challenged i may be.
I don’t like staying out that late either. I'm seriously a homebody at heart. Good girl wor..!!!
That’s why I’ll most probably be getting the DVD instead. So come on! Release the damn thing fast!
I am still intent of watching this movie...!!
Else i'll throw away whatever shred of respect i have for IP rights and bob on down to a pararell distributor (wink wink). I mean it...!!!