Encounters of a strange(r) Kind
It is said that a full moon perpetuate strange events.
It's such an understatement.
It must be the changes in the phases of the moon, or the adverse effects of global warming, or even the shifting plate tectonics, that have inherently caused such a huge tidal wave of PMS across the landscape. Sheesh.
Either that, or it must be my innate ability to attract PMS-y characters. And it's this manner of bloody outflow, that repeats itself on a daily basis. Like how assured one can be that the sun rises from the east every morning.
Do i possess a mutant gene that alters my DNA thus extremely?
Sometimes i can laugh it off. Like how i did in the toilet when the staff complained we (students) were laughing too loudly in the toilet during my ED attachment.
Hello, it's a TOILET. Not a library.
Or the time when i simply could not (or refused to) comprehend the SN's instructions, leaving her to curse and roll her eyes.
Or even the time when the stupid AN insisted i was standing near the doorway, thus blocking it when i was trying to, like her, exit the door.
Hello, the door doesn't have a glass panel. I'm trying to exit. You're trying to enter. So why am i being scolded for using the door?
Othertimes, i choose to walk away and pretend it never happened. For the simple fact that i need to exercise self restraint. Cause the only thing i can be sure of is that, my words will sting. Long.
On a lighter note, i enjoyed myself at debate training on monday night. I missed the people there, having missed training for some time. Though as usual, i was lacking in either structure or content, Joey still found something positive to me. I'm brainwashing myself, I'm building confidence! More importantly, i'm having fun! And yes, Joey's still looking good.
The dates for the interpoly debate competition is out. The 2 teams have been announced. Joey chose me to be with Alex and Terrence. And a debate session with them on mon proved our team to actually work rather well together. So it's good.
Terrence's regained his confidence. Alex remains calm and collected (bless his soul.. and thanks to the bugger for getting me a rather quirky item from cambodia/laos/thailand).
You should have seen the debate senior who came! He's weird with a capital W. And when i got stuck talking to him, the rest simply scooted off, thanking their lucky stars and offering prayers. I had to entertain him while he remained unaware of how much i wanted to run off screaming under the moonlight. He wore this striped blue shirt with huge yellow stains all over. One stain was over his right clavicle, spilling over to his right shoulder; which made it look as though he had a baby puke all over him while being carried.
I would have ended up in the same state had he carried me.
I've also ended all my attachment postings for this semester =) and i'm finally able to smile again. I got to be excused very early today. And chicken and i got to roam around Bedok, buying food and making fun of people.
She likes saying the Swan Hello.
I like the Doremon mother and son combo.
She likes the leery uncle on the train.
I almost got psycho-ed by her to get the Bean carrier.
Hahaha =)
It's fun to be on attachment with her. That's cause she's lame. I hope we get to do our PRCP together too. But that means she has to choose the same disciplines as me, which roughly translates into .... hello ti ti?!