Saturday, October 10, 2009


Last week brought on a series of activities to fulfill. Firstly, we had to attend the orientation over in school, where we met our soon-to-be lecturer in-charge and course mates.

Strolling back into school brought fond memories as the regular convenience stores and cheap food loomed into horizon. I also noticed many renovation and new additions in the food department as the central court gave way to new stalls and pushcarts.

We managed to spot a few familiar faces amongst the sea of people over in the lecture hall along which brought whispers of gossip as people eyeballed each other’s dress sense and shoulders parading branded bags.

Students looked trendier compared to the past, as they strutted about in tediously styled locks and micro mini dresses, more becoming in the streets of Orchard rather then in campus. If they put in half the effort of dressing up in their studies, I bet they’d all be able to attain merits!

In the evening, we went to our company’s annual dinner and dance. Our table, determined to rebel against this year’s theme of rainbow colors, wore mostly black.

Once again, the food was mediocre. And like clockwork tradition, we pimped out the merlion! This time with strands of jellyfish hair and half a cherry tomato. Quite reggae don’t you think?

The highlight of the evening must have been the emcee blatantly announcing a particular senior ward manager as “aunty” repeatedly as she vied to win the hula hoop contest. Decked out in a skin tight chilli red dress showing off all the wrong curves, I felt my eyes explode into flames as her paunch gyrated to the music.

my eyes! oh.. how they burn!

We even had MJ and a tranny!

and Cheers to the people who made it all special..

The finale!