Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Drama

Congratulations to Mr Obama, the new President Elect of the United States of America. A historical moment that will surely go down in history as he becomes the 1st non-white, minority that has made it to the Presidency.

For now, the only color that matters to the Americans must be neither black nor white, but green.

The greenback.

How will you transform the political landscape Mr Obama?

Truthfully, Obama has a heap of shit to inherit from his predecessor. He has no time to celebrate as the past 8 yrs of flawed administration, having ravaged the American economy, finally bows out. And with the possibility of the recession toppling into a full blown depression, I am eager to see what the charismatic (albeit young) Obama can infuse into the political arena.

Trade. Relationships. Even greenhouse emissions.
The list unrolls...

The media plasters that exuberant faces of the people cheering for their new hero, even celebrities, chanting, “The change we need”.

In this time, perhaps he should modify this motto as per Ellen's advice.
"Can you spare some change?"

Do not be beguiled. Electing a man of color doesn’t spell the end of the deep rooted discrimination of castes and color. It is alive and well in the country (and in many other parts of the world). America has had her fair share of political drama. And as the threats of assignation loom over the horizon, Team Obama is doing all they can to avert such disaster. From speaking behind plexi-glass to armed guards, it is evident that security is of utmost importance.

Lincoln. King. Kennedy.

All murdered in the midst of battling for freedom.

I pray history does not repeat itself here.

With Obama’s uniquely international mix of bloodlines (But I’m not here to discuss his parentage or lull over how black he is), he has emerged as the new role model for the (subjective) attainable American dream. Where, anyone and everyone can achieve their dreams, even being President by hard work, determination and wee bit of luck.

Hopefully, being exposed to an array of cultures has cultivated some sensitivity towards the differences each possess, and in turn, help mould public opinion amongst his people.

Perhaps he can lead his people out from the shadows and kick start an ailing economy as new superpowers emerge against this tidal wave of history in the making.

Help save my savings Obama..!