Monday, November 03, 2008


I fell head over heels in love with Heroes the very first time I watched the trailer. This hypothesis of DNA mutation being able to produce superpowers appeals to the somewhat Frankenstein-ish undercurrents I so possess.

The theory that minds can be read, being able to bend the space-time continuum, and of course, the power of regeneration hiding within our very own genetic structure is the stuff my fantasies are made of.
We are more capable then we credit ourselves.

Evolution is defined as a process a product of development, as seen in our DNA structure; through mutation, natural selection or genetic drift. And it is a fact that DNA does evolve, which can result in a positive, negative or neutral (redundant) consequence.

Take for example the infamous and controversial CCR5-Delta 32.

It is said that during the age of the Bubonic plague (aka the Black Death) that swept into Europe in 1346-1350, wiping out one third of its population, something miraculous happened. Somehow, the DNA in that group of people suddenly had a Eureka moment and modified itself to fend of further attacks of the plague.

The action of CCR5-Delta 32 is wonderfully simple. This genetic mutation renders the receptors on the cell wall to not allow the virus an entry. Without entry, the virus is unable to replicate and thus the cell remains intact.

We now believe that if you inherit CCR5-Delta 32 from both parents, you will be likely to be immune to some form of diseases (eg AIDS, smallpox). However, this mutation is mainly found within the European community and not the Asian or African populations where the explosion of AIDS is rampant.

On a general note, people can adapt to altitudes. Even children of migrants look different from their native lands. Or that people can still function normally with half a brain chopped off. Our body learns because it knows it has to.

Why this happens, nobody knows.

But I do believe humans have the power to adapt. And that God provides even in the bleakest of situations.