The Lucky Ones
Sharon Lee had been feeling a little jaded in her current position for the past couple of months. With the routines of work and office politics, she felt the longing for greener pastures engulf like a tumor within.
She truly enjoys working with her colleagues and really shines in her job, juggling a large repertoire of clients and rectifying problems that mushroom ever so often.
What lacked was the spark of recognition.
She informed her company of her desire to leave and they left the topic on the fence for 2 weeks. Disappointed with the company for not counter offering, she felt that she was not being appreciated for all the hard work she had sacrificed for the company.
Talking to me on the way to work, she poured out her grievances and sought my advice over her dilemma. We worked out the pros and cons, pondering over the possible alterations that could emerge in an all new work environment.
Upon reaching work, her immediate supervisor called her in to a meeting with upper management. A little taken aback, she proceeded to enter the boardroom.
Lo and behold! They counter offered!!
And what a great offer they made.
Elated, she quickly confided in me (her lucky star), using our little hanyun pingying code in an all ang moh msn arena, typing furiously on the keyboard and straining my eyes to soak up the good news.
God moves in mysterious ways.
He reads our deepest, darkest secrets. And judging from our conversation, Sharon Lee just needed to reignite the feeling of being appreciated for all her efforts in her current setting.
Isn’t that what just we all hanker after?
I genuinely feel happy for her.
It’s never easy being so far away from family, alone in a faraway land to carve out a niche for oneself. I applaud her courage and independence. Words can’t define the pride I have for having a friend like her.
My rock.
We're now closer to our goals and striving harder for our dreams. Together, nothing is impossible. Together, we can make miracles.
Some friendships brew competition and jealousy. Some can’t withstand the test of trial and tribulation. Others wilt over time.
It’s the rare ones that strengthen with experiences.
I’m praying that I’ve many more rarities to come!
And aren’t we the lucky ones… Sharon Lee, Kristabel Chong (aka my stick insect), you guys rock my world.
Aren't we the lucky ones?
Ps - I wish to thank all the people (esp Kristabel, Patrick, Mokie, Snoopy, Kelvin, Leni, Sharon Lee, Crescentia, Ross, Ramlah..) that have made my birthday a worthy celebration.
Thank you for the surprises, the gifts and the love.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Aren't we the lucky ones =)