Back At One
I’ve been thrown off tangent recently. Perhaps largely due to my own inability to concentrate and take stock of my life. I know where I ultimately like to end up at, but am unsure of how or where to start. There’s a gathering of what-ifs at the moment. It’s a moment I hope that will pass swiftly.
I’ve actually been trying to write again for the longest time.
In agony over a skull crammed with words unable to escape. Too distracted by petty happenings, TV, the net, amongst other drama, that have been popping in and out of my all-too-speckled life.
Life’s a blur of twists and turns.
An army of information to plough through.
A flurry of action and a slew of new faces to absorb.
Ala 1000 episode korean-hindi-taiwan-hk drama series.
Mental orgasm inducing, specky, smooth skinned men not included.
Mundane, you come back here!
I have faith I will find a way.
I’m after all, more resilient than I credit myself.
So here’s to me, embracing the words that pose such a struggle to pour forth.