I'm quite taken with Ms Tan Chin Hong - My current skills lecturer.
She's really sweet and patient. Speaking to her the other day, shifted my paradigm of where i would like to specialise in after graduation.
Similar to me, Ms Tan wanted to go into cirtical care right from the start. Deeming it as a natural choice since she was young and still active.
Geron is for nurses who are near retirement. NOT.
It got me thinking, measuring up the times where i nursed the elderly. Playing games, chatting and with them joking with me or holding my hand. I realised that i DID enjoy nursing. Especially with them.
Me + patients = Friends
You should listen to us chatter.
You should listen to me freak them out with mock news.
You should watch their faces cringe when i tell them the nitty gritty details of the operation.
You should hear me laugh when i see them do the lamest things.
And you should watch me slither away when they dump their son/grandson/nephew in front of me. Not that it happens much anyway. Wahahaa...
Ultimately, i would like to be in a position where i can enjoy my job. And where i would be needed.
Though I am well aware of the fact that i may not end up in the department that i may wish for.
It is nice to keep my options open. And my legs closed. Wahaha.